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Friday, April 18, 2025 7:30 pm

Elkhart County Fairgrounds 17746-D County Rd 34, Goshen, IN 46528

Ticket Information


ADULT: $20 (persons 13 and older)
CHILD: up to 2 Children FREE with EACH Paid Adult (persons age 3 to 12)
EXTRA CHILD: $5 (persons 3 to 12)
INFANT:  are FREE and do not need a ticket (persons under 2yrs of age)
CHILD STUDENT: $10 (persons 13-15) — This ticket is only for children, NOT young adults attending university/college.

Free Children’s Tickets

Free Children’s Tickets may have been distributed throughout your area in Fast Food Restaurants, Convenience Stores, Businesses, Schools and Retail stores. These may be used to admit ONE child for EACH paid adult. The Free Children’s Tickets may not be used in combination with the Family Package.


Children under 2 are free and do not need a ticket. Age 3 to 12 must have a Child’s ticket (Free or Paid). All Persons, Ages 13 and up must have an Adult ticket to enter the Circus. All Children must be accompanied by an adult. Children may not be left unattended at the Circus.


After your purchase is complete, you will be sent an email with a summary of your purchase and a barcode to be scanned at the entrance. This is ONE barcode for your entire purchase. You do NOT have to print this email, we prefer you to display it on your mobile device at the entrance to the Circus.


Tickets are NOT refundable. If you are unable to attend, you may pass your tickets along to a friend or family member.

Special needs adults with support caregivers are free! Please present identification at arrival; however, caregivers must purchase an adult ticket.


If you have difficulty purchasing tickets online or if you would prefer not to buy online, you may purchase tickets at the show’s on-site box office one the hour before each performance.

For further assistance with Ticket Purchases
Use the LIVE CHAT below or
Call (941) 870 – 7444

Show time:

Friday, April 18, 2025 7:30 pm

Ticket Type
Adult + 2 FREE KIDS$20.00
1 Adult and 2 FREE Children, age 3 to 12 and under with EACH Paid Adult.
To redeem, display on your mobile device at the entrance to the Circus.
Extra Child$5.00
1x additional child age 3 to 12
To redeem, display on your mobile device at the entrance to the Circus.
🧒 Child Student Ticket$10.00
Student ticket for ages 13-15. This ticket is only for children, NOT young adults attending university/college.